Welcome to our new blog! It's been a long time since I've kept a blog, and I think it's about time I get back to documenting mine and my family's life. It's not that we do anything extremely exciting, but I'm definitely of the thinking that it's the little moments that make life meaningful. So here's to a blog full of the little moments... the funny moments... the yummy food and drink we consume... the silly games we play... and the hurdles we leap.
So today we decided to go on a mini Sunday afternoon date to Red Butte Gardens up by the University of Utah. Before heading up there, we stopped by the store to grab a couple sammiches, some fruit, chips, and cookies so we could have a little picnic up at the Gardens. One of the first things we noticed next to our table was the smell of lilacs. The next thing we noticed was movement above those lilacs. There were bees everywhere! I don't think either of us had ever seen quite so many bees in one spot. Normally I would be freaking out about all the bees, but there were in their own habitat, and they were just fine keeping to themselves with the lilacs as long as we left them alone. So we went about eating our lunches, and realized we weren't going to be able to finish our fruit. Luckily there was a little girl and her mom that thankfully accepted our strawberries and blueberries.
We walked around the trails and saw SO many different types of plants. There were flowers, herbs, and lots of things I had never seen or heard of. It was really interesting to see everything - all very beautiful. And then as we were walking, a lady coming towards us with her kids mentioned that they just saw a snake! A big one! She stretched out her arms to a much larger length that I was comfortable with. So for the next five or so minutes, I was freaking out just a bit and a little on edge. Luckily I quickly forgot about it once we got to the Children's Garden. No, we didn't have Xander with us, but it was still fun for us!
The only problem with the day was that it was SOO insanely hot. Like really, it had to have been one of the hottest days so far. It was almost miserable! But I did my best to stick it out and enjoy everything around us. So we were just walking around towards the end of everything, and then there was a big bumblebee sound in my ear. I didn't want to freak out. So I just turned my head and kept walking. But it was still there.... So I kind of started freaking out a bit. So Tiff came over and rescued me and my mini freakout. So she's thinking she's all brave for coming to my rescue when all of a sudden the bushes next to us started rustling. There was DEFINITELY something in those bushes. We ran out of there like two scared little school girls! So much for us trying to be brave!
All in all, it was a fun time. Despite the heat. Despite the monster in the bushes. Despite the bee trying to eat my ear. It was fun, and I enjoyed some much needed time with my honey as we were surrounded by beauty.
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